De vegades b
i em sento tant descolotat.
un xic adormit, o desacompassat.
com un trencaclosques mal fet.
sense poder evitar-ho.
¿tnemalam atse euq otnugerp me i
Em Sento Estrany.
Peces que ______.
O e n y o r a n ç a?
Encara tinc ganes de veure mon.
Em falta accio.
My heart grows weak. I can feel it.
Not like the other occasion, somekind of anguish.
I'm a little bit tired. Not of living of course.
My body cannot follow me. And it's telling me to move.
Where? How? When?
Just hurry up and move you fucking idiot! [That's what it says]
Doesn't matter where, nor how.
Feel my heart growing weak.
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