jueves, 5 de agosto de 2021

Innocence is not the same as kindness, even if we tend to use them as synonimous sometimes.

The myth of mankind falling from grace -which is pervasive to almost every culture and usually tied to some form of first "sin" or "transgression" towards natural/divine law which are usually also correlated- i believe is the explanation for a collective leap on the evolution of our collective experience-consciousness as species, for with the emergence of reflexive consciousness and thus the processing of experience through a new lense all innocence is lost in due time, and the yearning for that innocence appears, where a simpler time when things were golden and shiny is also lost and remembered, which is expressed through that proverbial yearning for infancy or the return to the garden versus the wilderness of life and maturity.

With the reflexive consciousness and knowledge comes the loss of innocence.

In the same manner a wise person is not necessarily innocent nor kind, but is one who can balance that knowledge and intelligence with a general good -in a more utilitary meaning- intention, act and attention to detail.

In a certain way, i believe we could look at kindness as a form to rebuild or recycle the broken innocence, not unlike that way in which the japanese and chinese glue broken stuff together with gold or silver -which are usually also associated with wisdom-

This loss of innocence and wisdom found are attributed usually to the more receptive kind of mann, i believe this because they are tied to pain and sorrow in how they suffer more than the projective kind of mann. They may bleed for days regularly, carry and support life through their own suffering or just be of a more sensitive and empathetic sort of peoples which correlates to the downtrodden and deprived and thus to the experience of losing this innocence far more easily and sooner than the projective mann.

Though i believe everyone loses their innocence. Death, pain, suffering, sorrow, hurt. Suffering breaks innocence. But of course there are various definitions, and the seeking of justice or at least retribution does also correlate to the losing of innocence, because even if it is in order to right a wrong you are seeking to "punish" or "hurt" another being. Feelings like hatred, resentment and the such also contribute to the loss of innocence and of course are human universals, just like love, fear, happiness and all other emotions and fall within natural/divine law.

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